Beyond tranquility by Charles Genoud

On blessing
October 28, 2019
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April 4, 2020
On blessing
October 28, 2019
Make a donation
April 4, 2020
“Dharma can be lightened and sweetened till it goes down like elevator music. It can thrash and wail like punk. Here, it’s like Bach — not whispering, not shouting, but unfolding from within itself, with the steady, implacable rhythms of elemental truth in the act of discovering itself. Genoud drills deep. This is not a solemn book but it’s a serious one. You can’t whip through it like a spiritual beach novel. Read each paragraph or stanza slowly and contemplatively (and, when necessary, repeatedly). Most of all, bring its insights into your practice and your life.”

Dean Sluyter, author of Fear Less and Natural Meditation
